Pix4D Import KML-file

  1. Connect the mobile device to the computer using a USB cable.
  2. Copy the .kmz file to the device. The location could be something like device_name\Device Memory\Pix4D.
  3. Open the app and go the Project List to open an existing mission or create a new project. For more information see Pix4D guides: (Android) How to use the Project List
  4. In the Project view of the project, tap 


and Load KML...

Information: If a .kml or .kmz file is already loaded, the option is Manage KML... and it is possible to REPLACE or REMOVE the current file.

  1. Browse the device's memory to select and load the desired file.

  1. In the Project view, tap 


to start planning a new mission with the georeferenced .tif image and polygon in the background. It opens the Map view.

See Flight Mission Planner Pix4D (iOS or Android) to see how to set settings and start the flight.

(Reference: Pix4D documentation)

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