DroneDeploy Import KML-file

When using DroneDeploy it can be of use to import your own KML-files. A KML-file is a file that contains your forest borders or the area borders and these can be used to create your flight mission.

You can download your forest borders or area borders from our platform if you are a customer of our Forest Management Planning system. If you wish to have access to these files you can always contact your sales contact who will help you further.

Step 1 - Add the KML-import plugin.

Visit this site to add and activate the KML-import plugin for your DroneDeploy application: https://www.dronedeploy.com/product/market/uxemkyvmmxxppyjx/

Step 2 - Import the KML-file

In planning mode after you have selected to create a standard map (step 5 in the DroneDeploy Guide). Press Import KML or SHP and add your desired file. Note that the file needs to have WSG84 as a coordinate reference system (CRS).

Now you can head back to step 6 in the DroneDeploy guide.

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