Step-by-step Create a forest management plan

Step 1 - Create plan

Press + Add new Forest

Step 2 - Search forest borders

Search in your municipality and then your forest property name and ID.

Step 3 - Save your forest

In the side menu, you get the save button.

Step 4 - Create extent of your forest management plan

Press "Create forest management plan"

Step 5 - Choose name

If you want you can name your forest management plan. If you leave it blank it will take the forest name. 

Press Choose Extent when you are ready. 

Step 6 - Choose Extent of your forest management plan

In the side menu you will find some options for your forest management plan extent. 

A. You can upload existing stands for your forest. The stands have to be in shapefile format. 

B. You can draw your own stands. You can draw all the stands or just a couple that you want to lock in the automatic stand delineation process. 

C. When you are ready press "Order" to start the process. 

Step 7 - Upload images

Press "Upload images" to start the automatical recalibration of the Forest Management Plan. 

Make sure to pick the order you created in step 6.

Confirm the upload. 

Step 8 - View your order

When you have received an email that the order is finished you can access all your forests and management plans from the side many. 

When you have chosen which which order you want to view you can press on Stats or Map to get started working. 


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